06 Sep Relaxation Techniques for Stressed Out, Overwhelmed Teens
Feeling Stressed Out, Overwhelmed?
Are you a teenager who feels overwhelmed? Are you stressed out about the pressures of keeping up with school, friends, sports, responsibilities at home, or your job? If so, you’re not alone. It’s normal for you to explore and search for your identity. You are probably asking yourself, “Who am I?” You may be at a point in your life where you want to be independent, but still depend on your parents (although you won’t always admit this part!). Oh, and don’t forget hormones! So basically, there’s a lot going on in your life.
4 Relaxation Techniques to Decrease Stress When You Are Overwhelmed
Yes! Did I get your attention? I know your parents are usually telling you to get off your phone or devices. You may not believe it, but your phone actually does more than texting, posting pictures of you doing fun stuff with your friends, and sharing your “story” on social media. There are great apps for relaxation that you can use- and it only takes a couple minutes a day. You can even tell your parents that a professional told you to go on your phone to relax! How cool is that?
Music can help distract your mind, help you feel relaxed, and quiet down your thoughts that tend to increase when you feel stressed. Classical music, or any type of soft, slow music can have a calming effect on your brain. Even if you don’t care for the classical style, any kind of music can help you take your mind off of stress and negative thoughts. Listen to music in the shower, bedroom, the car, or while taking a walk (bonus relaxation occurs when listening to music and taking a walk!). So go ahead, play around with different genres and see what works best for you. Ya never know, you may develop a love for a new style of music, so have fun with it!
There are so many different ways to use your breathing as a form of relaxation when you are stressed out or overwhelmed. One way is to inhale through your nose, and breathe out through your mouth while saying something positive. If you use positive self-talk and use positive statements while focused on your breathing, you will benefit from an overall calming effect. Use statements such as “relax” or “I can do this.” Not only does this help with relaxation, but you can also build self-esteem when implementing positive self-talk/statements in your daily routine (again, another two for one!). Breathing techniques are great because you can practice them wherever you are. If you are feeling stressed before a test, or before speaking in front of your class, this is a great one to use!
Yes, I said laugh! When you are stressed out or overwhelmed, laughing produces endorphins to help you feel more relaxed. Watch a funny t.v. show, YouTube video, or call a friend who will instantly make you laugh. Not only will your mood shift, but the physical tension in your body from feeling stressed will begin to reduce. Pay attention to how you feel after a good laugh. Do you feel more relaxed? Do your muscles feel less tense? Laughing truly is the best medicine when feeling stressed out!
North Shore Family Services is a team of skilled and approachable therapists that help parents, children, teens, adults, and couples reduce anxiety and stress, learn effective problem-solving techniques, and manage emotions and behaviors that inhibit personal, school, family, and relationship success. We make therapy a productive, engaging and relaxing place for everyone to work hard and make the improvements they desire. To find the right-fit therapist for you and your family, visit our clinician’s page.
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